PI Xie Hu (hu.xie@pku.edu.cn)

2014-2018 Ph.D. Geophysics Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, USA
2011-2013 M.S. Remote Sensing Wuhan University, China
2007-2011 B.S. GIS China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China
2021- Assistant Professor
Peking University, Beijing, China
2020-2021 Assistant Professor
University of Houston, TX, USA
2018-2020 Postdoctoral Researcher University of California Berkeley, CA, USA
2014-2018 Graduate Research Assistant Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, USA
2013-2014 Research Assistant King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Research interests:
- SAR remote sensing in natural hazards and shallow solid earth
- Landslide deformation and dynamics
- Artificial intelligence in remote sensing big data analysis
[PKU personal profile] [Google Site] [Google Scholar] [CV]

Postdoctoral fellow

Sayyed Mohammad Javad Mirzadeh (m.mirzadeh@mails.ucas.ac.cn)

Ph.D. Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
M.S. hotogrammetry and Remote Sensing K.N.TOOSI University of Technology, Iran
B.S. Geomatics Engineering University of Tehran, Iran

Research interests:
- Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)
- Tectonics and geohazards
- Post-analysis of InSAR big data

PhD students

Yuqi Song (yqsong@stu.pku.edu.cn)

2022- Ph.D. Physical Geography Peking University
2018-2022 B.S. Science and Technology of Remote Sensing Wuhan University

Research interests:
- Landslide hazards in active tectonics
- Machine learning in remote sensing big data analysis

Yongxuan Ran (yongxuanran@whu.edu.cn)

2023- Ph.D. Physical Geography Peking University
2019-2023 B.S. Instrument of Remote Sensing Wuhan University

Research interests:
- Monitoring long-term and short-term natural hazards and shallow processes though InSAR and GNSS
- Remote sensing satellites

Master students

Penghui Wu (penghui_wu@stu.pku.edu.cn)

2022- Ph.D. Physical Geography Peking University, Beijing
2018-2022 B.S. Land Resource Managment China University of Geosciences, Beijing

Research interests:
- SAR remote sensing in natural hazards and shallow solid earth
- Landslide deformation and dynamics

Yiling Lin (201911051103@bnu.edu.cn)

2023- M.S. Physical Geography Peking University
2019-2023 B.S. Geographic Information Science Beijing Normal University

Research interests:
- Machine learning in remote sensing data
- Retrogressive thaw slumps detection

Jinghui Xiao (xiaojinghui@whu.edu.cn)

2024- M.S. Physical Geography Peking University
2020-2024 B.S. Science and Technology of Remote Sensing Wuhan University

Research interests:


Milk Cap

Ph.D Physical Geography Home-Schooled

Research interests:
- Sleeping
- Playing
- Tins of chicken


Xiao Yu

Research Assistant, now Researcher at the Illinois State Water Survey, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA.

Qingyu Sui

Research Assistant, now PhD student at the Southern Methodish University, USA.

Hanwen Yu

Postdoctoral Researcher, now Professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.